'inset';'visible'; It is not always possible to keep all of your Word formatting and styles during the conversion, and still have the HTML file display consistently on all browsers. The operation is linear: you take a Word .doc or .docx file, drag it onto a Windows form, the program invokes Word, converts your .doc/.docx to the cleanest HTML that Word can manage, parses the HTML . cv1 = secondLastC.join(nl) document.editor.temp.value = o.join(t) Create new instance of WatermarkOptions class. txt = bulk setTimeout("document.editor.code.value=''",500); '=0) {noIllegals=false;} } o = val1.split('"') '
'+ myFonts = fontContainer; q = confirm(msg) } If you simply want a document you created in Word to display on a website, a PDF file is a good option to consider. Clean HTML. //re6 = new RegExp("\s+v:\w+=""[^""]+"""); '